Cumberland County Public Schools welcomed new teachers for the 2019-2020 school year. New teachers included the following: FRONT ROW: Zachary Spicer, Economics and Personal Finance teacher; Hayley Boczar, elementary school paraprofessional; Holly Asal, 2nd grade teacher; and Jessica Sanderson, 2nd grade teacher. ROW 2: Susan Carden, elementary school secretary; Kathryn Copeland, pre-kindergarten teacher; and Howard Paras, high school special educator. ROW 3: Carter White, high school mathematics and history/social sciences teacher; Sierra Paasch, 7th grade mathematics teacher; Susanne Williams, elementary school special educator; Ashley Ferranto, 3rd grade teacher; and Brett Burch; high school health and physical education teacher. ROW 4: Brandon Burke, high school art teacher; Kailee Mace, 5th/6th grade mathematics teacher; Erin Pierce, agriculture teacher; and Rhonda Robichaud, 2nd grade teacher. BACK ROW: Charles Bristol, carpentry teacher; Rory Dunn, history/social sciences teacher; Allison Mitchell, chemistry teacher; Tara Bowman, middle school special educator; and Michael Hill, middle school science teacher. New teachers not pictures include Jessica Ganyuma, elementary school special educator; and Evan Jones, middle school Career Connections Lab instructor.
CuCPS Welcomes New Teachers
August 9, 2019